In biblioteca

Neuroscientists investigate the mechanisms of spatial memory. Molecular biologists study the mechanisms of protein synthesis and the myriad mechanisms of gene regulation. Ecologists study nutrient cycling mechanisms and their devastating imbalances in estuaries such as the Chesapeake Bay. In fact, much of biology and its history involves biologists constructing, evaluating, and revising their...

Bartolo Nigrisoli, primario chirurgo a Ravenna, quindi all'Ospedale Maggiore di Bologna, nel 1921 divenne titolare della cattedra di Clinica chirurgica all'Università di Bologna. Maestro chiaro e lineare, semplice e razionale, come il grande clinico Augusto Murri, unì sempre, nella presentazione dei casi clinici, l'osservazione diretta del paziente all'induzione logica, aiutato da una memoria...

Ragionevolmente Differenti è un libro che parla della produzione sociale della diversità e lo fa attraverso lo studio della sindrome di Asperger. L’Asperger è un disturbo nello spettro autistico i cui sintomi principali fanno riferimento a interessi ristretti e ossessivi e concomitante presenza di un QI medio o superiore alla media. Spesso le persone che li manifestano vengono considerate alla...

John Dupre explores recent revolutionary developments in biology and considers their relevance for our understanding of human nature and human society. Epigenetics and related areas of molecular biology have eroded the exceptional status of the gene and presented the genome as fully interactive with the rest of the cell. Developmental systems theory provides a space for a vision of evolution...

Within the field of neuroscience, the past few decades have witnessed an exponential growth of research into the brain mechanisms underlying both normal and pathological states of consciousness in humans. The development of sophisticated imaging techniques to visualize and map brain activity in vivo has opened new avenues in our understanding of the pathological processes involved in common...

In the past century, nearly all of the biological sciences have been directly affected by discoveries and developments in genetics, a fast-evolving subject with important theoretical dimensions. In this rich and accessible book, Paul Griffiths and Karola Stotz show how the concept of the gene has evolved and diversified across the many fields that make up modern biology. By examining the...

Sex/Gender presents a relatively new way to think about how biological difference can be produced over time in response to different environmental and social experiences. This book gives a clearly written explanation of the biological and cultural underpinnings of gender. Anne Fausto-Sterling provides an introduction to the biochemistry, neurobiology, and social construction of gender with...

Over the last twenty or so years, it has become standard to require policy makers to base their recommendations on evidence. That is now uncontroversial to the point of triviality-of course, policy should be based on the facts. But are the methods that policy makers rely on to gather and analyze evidence the right ones? In Evidence-Based Policy, Nancy Cartwright, an eminent scholar, and Jeremy...

Cet ouvrage s’inscrit dans le fil du travail collectif entrepris en 1995, l’ Histoire de la pensée médicale en Occident (trois volumes sous la direction de Mirko D. Grmek, Seuil, 1995, 1997, 1999). Il rend compte du déploiement des recherches pluridisciplinaires et transdisciplinaires de la pensée médicale et aborde les discussions et controverses actuelles sur les politiques de santé. Du fait...

Siamo abituati a pensare al cancro come ad un fenomeno biologico complesso ed enigmatico, ma poche volte abbiamo pensato che la ricerca sperimentale in quest'ambito potesse offrire spunti anche per la riflessione filosofica. Eppure un confronto interessante, tra posizioni epistemologiche talvolta divergenti, sta emergendo anche nella letteratura scientifica. Questo è il panorama di riflessione...