In biblioteca

The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine is a comprehensive guide to topics in the fields of epistemology and metaphysics of medicine. It examines traditional topics such as the concept of disease, causality in medicine, the epistemology of the randomized controlled trial, the biopsychosocial model, explanation, clinical judgment and phenomenology of medicine and emerging topics, such...

How is medical knowledge made? New methods for research and clinical care have reshaped the practices of medical knowledge production over the last forty years. Consensus conferences, evidence-based medicine, translational medicine, and narrative medicine are among the most prominent newmethods. Making Medical Knowledge explores their origins and aims, their epistemic strengths, and their...

Since the 1970s, the origin of cancer is being explored from the point of view of the Somatic Mutation Theory (SMT), focusing on genetic mutations and clonal expansion of somatic cells. As cancer research expanded in several directions, the dominant focus on cells remained steady, but the classes of genes and the kinds of extra-genetic factors that were shown to have causal relevance in the...

Humana.Mente is a peer-reviewed biannual forum for theoretical and meta-theoretical analysis in philosophy. The journal focuses on the emergent themes at the centre of the philosophical debate. Its principal aim is to foster theoretical dialogue and innovation within the discipline, serving an integrative role for all of those concerned with the evolution of contemporary philosophy.

La ricerca affrontata nel libro nasce dall’esigenza di aumentare l’impatto delle politiche regionali nei confronti delle persone con disabilità per migliorarne il benessere individuale, quello delle famiglie e della collettività, e ottenere così un’inclusione più duratura e partecipata. Questo processo segue un impianto teorico e d’intervento in grado di cogliere la multidimensionalità e la...

The Fourth Edition of the Disability Studies Reader breaks new ground by emphasizing the global, transgender, homonational, and posthuman conceptions of disability. Including physical disabilities, but exploring issues around pain, mental disability, and invisible disabilities, this edition explores more varieties of bodily and mental experience. New histories of the legal, social, and...

Biology and history are often viewed as closely related disciplines, with biology informed by history, especially in its task of charting our evolutionary past. Maximizing the opportunities for cross-fertilization in these two fields requires an accurate reckoning of their commonalities and differences—precisely what this volume sets out to achieve. Specially commissioned essays by a team of...

Sui rapporti tra filosofia e medicina è aperta da sempre un'articolata e vivace discussione, che solleva ancora oggi questioni di straordinaria importanza. Una delle principali riguarda i concetti di salute e malattia. Come pensarli e definirli? Si tratta di nozioni descrittive o normative? Quali relazioni e differenze presentano rispetto ad altri concetti come quelli di normalità e anormalità...

This collection of papers investigates the most recent debates about individualism and holism in the philosophy of social science. The debates revolve mainly around two issues: firstly, whether social phenomena exist sui generis and how they relate to individuals. This is the focus of discussions between ontological individualists and ontological holists. Secondly, to what extent social...

Possiamo essere responsabili per quello che facciamo o la nostra responsabilità è solo esteriore, una suggestione, semplice apparenza? Siamo liberi o ci comportiamo secondo necessità, in base a modalità di funzionamento fisiologiche, registrabili con le più avanzate tecniche diagnostiche? Siamo al cospetto di una delle questioni più cruciali della filosofia di ogni tempo, di una problematica...